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Deadlines for the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge 2025 Conference

Call for submissions July
Submission system opens July
Submission deadline for full paper  February 1st (23:59h)
Notification of acceptance of full paper February 9th
Early bird registration From 12th of February to 4th of March
Late registration deadline From 5th of  March to 15th of March
Final program  April/May
Conference June, 18th-20th

Full Paper/Extended Abstract

The 2024 Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference guidelines offer a resource for authors when preparing their manuscripts for the Conference. Authors should follow these guidelines for extended abstracts and full papers.

General instructions

All submissions must be written in English (either American or British English is allowed, but not a mixture of the two).

Each participant may submit only one paper to the Conference (individually or in collaboration with other co-authors).

Some journals have papers restricted to a specific special issue; and other journals have it open to any general topic according to the journal itself (special issues are specified in the selection during paper submission).

Selected reviewers will review all submissions. These reviewers will make the final decisions regarding which papers are accepted for presentation at the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference.

Authors must pay the Conference registration fee before presenting the paper in the parallel sessions.

The best papers presented at the Conference will receive a recommendation for publication in special issues in the participating journals. The Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge offers special issues in SSCI/JCR-ranked journals (WoS by Clarivate Analytics) and other prestigious journals.

Submissions must use Times New Roman font.

* The Conference thanks all authors/participants who are requested to review papers for their time and support in helping the authors of other papers. Any refusal to review papers may also have knock-on effects on the review of authors/participants’ own papers. The collaboration and time of authors/participants provide the foundations for a successful Conference, as well as enhancing and helping with the publication of Conference papers

Submission form

Access the Paper Manager

Extended abstract guidelines


The extended abstract should be between 750 and 2500 words long.


  • Author and co-author names, surnames, and affiliations, without email addresses or other personal details
  • Purpose/Aims of the paper
  • Research methodology
  • Findings/Conclusions
  • Discussion
  • Research limitations
  • Practical implications/Applications to practice
  • Social implications/Impact on society and/or policy (if applicable)
  • Originality/What is new about your research?

Full paper guidelines

Papers should follow the general instructions.

Please note that only full papers will be eligible for publication in the journals affiliated with the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference.


Some affiliated ACIEK journals do not accept single studies anymore. Please consult aims & scope of these journals.

  • Highlights. Each one should be limited to 100 characters
  • 3 to 5 bullet points
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review. This should be shorter. Maybe 2 pages is enough
  • Theoretical background and hypotheses. Each hypothesis should be supported by a specific one/two paragraph
  • Methodology. Please include details of when, where and how data was collected and measurement items
  • Results. Please include respondents profile, descriptive statistics, reliability test, and findings of the research
  • Discussion. Use a comparison of your results/findings with existing work published on this topic. Maybe 2/3 pages is enough. Then you should include, besides:
    • Theoretical contributions and implications
    • Implications for practice
    • Limitations and future research
  • Conclusions. It should short. Maybe 1/2 paragraphs is enough. Please do not repeat issues of your previous text
  • References. They should have the format for the specific journal

Journal requirements for submitted papers:

Before submitting your paper to a specific journal, you MUST ensure that it meets all of that journal’s style requirements. There are no specific requirements regarding paper length. Instead, authors should adapt their papers to the specific requirements of each journal, including length, style, and format.

Consider hiring a professional copyeditor to assist with your revision if necessary.

Copyediting is mandatory for acceptance for publication in elite international journals. The SSCI/JCR-ranked journal (WOS by Clarivate Analytics) Editor-in-Chief and/or publisher will reject any paper that does not meet the journal’s style requirements.

The following link provides some suggestions in case you need professional copyediting services.

Copyediting services

Papers for IEEE TEM

  • IEEE-TEM is a journal on engineering and technology management. The literature review should focus on the engineering management literature. Revise and better consolidate the reviewed papers to let readers know the current core findings and research gaps in engineering management. The focus of the digested literature review should be on papers in engineering management journals and closely related fields.
  • Compare the findings with the prior literature as well as check whether the findings can challenge/support the current industrial practice (i.e., industrial validation).
  • Please highlight the contribution of this study, with reference to practice and contribution to the literature.
  • To enhance research rigor, robustness checking (e.g., extended modeling analyses with respect to model assumptions) should be included.
  • The managerial implications of this study must be well-explained and included in the managerial relevance statement (placed under the list of keywords). How would engineering managers/policy makers be benefited from the findings of your study? How much more can they gain? What are the specific action plans based on the research findings? These should be addressed.
  • Findings: The paper has several findings. “There should nothing wrong BUT also SHOULD BE interesting”. A good paper should focus on highlighting the interesting results (surprises or things that we will never know until we read the paper in details) and downplaying the expected or intuitive results.
  • The paper SHOULD be adequate in long. Please make sure the mainbody is within 38 pages long. Extra details can be placed in an online appendix.

Papers for JCB

The Journal of Consumer Behaviour encourages multi-study, ideally multi-method research projects. Editors would strongly encourage you to add two studies to strengthen the contribution of the research as that is a major issue. Read previous papers on the JCB topics. In sum, the manuscript SHOULD be well grounded in consumer behaviour theory and the concern of contribution still exists.

Papers for P&M

P&M encourages multi-study, ideally multi-method research projects. Editor would strongly encourage you to add two studies to strengthen the contribution of the research as that is a major issue. Read previous papers on P&M topics. In sum, the manuscript SHOULD be well grounded in marketing and psychology theory and the concern of contribution still exists.