
Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge

1. Basic information

The purpose of (hereinafter the Website) and is to provide information, handle the registration process, and ensure the smooth running of the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (hereinafter Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge or the Conference).

The contact information of the organizer of the 2024

edition of (hereinafter the Organizer)  is as follows:



2. User data

User access will be granted to both persons registered for the Conference and persons who simply visit the Website. All users are responsible for their use of the Website.

Each user agrees to use her or his true and actual identity for registration.

3. Aim and official languages

The aim of this legal notice is to govern the access to information, the registration, and the management of Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge.

The terms and conditions will be available in English to users whenever they visit the Website.

4. Responsibilities of the Organizer

The Organizer will act in good faith in its use of the information and services rendered on the Website. The Organizer commits to offering accurate and up-to-date information on the documents provided via the Website. Any erroneous information will be corrected immediately. If the error relates to the Conference registration price, the Organizer will inform the user immediately. The user will then have the right to cancel registration without incurring any cost. If the error affects the information or characteristics of the Conference, the user will have the right to cancel registration without incurring any cost.

The Organizer will not be held responsible for any breach of its obligations outlined in these terms if the breach is attributable to circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control.

5. Responsibilities of the user

Any user registered for the Conference (hereinafter the User) and, wherever applicable, any user who simply visits the Website, are bound by these terms and conditions. Specifically, the User assumes the following responsibilities:

The User will provide truthful information on the Conference registration forms.

The User commits to the Conference registration instructions that are available on the Website. The User commits to behaving in accordance with the applicable regulations and best practices and in good faith at all times.

The following activities are forbidden when using the Website:

  • Engaging in illicit or illegal activity of any kind. This includes but is not limited to disseminating content or propaganda that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, or sexist; advocating terrorism; undermining human rights; or acting in detriment to the rights to privacy, honor, personal image, and personal dignity.
  • Spreading declarations or references that are false, incorrect, or inaccurate about the Website and services provided by the Organizer.
  • Damaging the hardware and software used to host the Website.
  • Introducing or spreading, on the network or through any other hardware or software, computer viruses capable of causing any the aforementioned damages.
  • Using false identities or impersonating others when using or registering with the Website. This includes the use of third-party usernames and passwords for authentication and the purchase of products on the Website.
  • Registering a third party without proper authorization.


Any violation of the obligations and restrictions set forth in this section will be considered a breach of terms, resulting in the possible cancelation of registration for the Conference. The User may also be held responsible for any damages occasioned.

6. Prices

  • Until March 4th, 2024

Full paper (all authors pay the same fee): 850€.

This fee covers the following services: Conference information, copies of all papers presented at the Conference, possible involvement as a referee and/or reviewer, lunches and coffee breaks during the Conference, closing ceremony, and gala dinner.

Guest (gala dinner): 200€.

This fee covers admission to the gala dinner.

  • From March 5th, 2024 to March 15th, 2024

*Late registration: 1390€

This fee covers the following services: Conference information, copies of all papers presented at the Conference, possible involvement as a referee and reviewer, lunches and coffee breaks during the Conference, closing ceremony.

Full paper presenting and non-presenting author (All authors pay the same fee) 700€.

*Late registration: 1150€

This fee covers the following services: The opportunity to publish your paper in SSCI/JCR-ranked journal (WOS by Clarivate Analytics), Scopus and other ranked journals, Feedback on your research, Conference information, access to all rooms of the parallel sessions during the Conference and the plenary sessions with the editors of the affiliated journals, access will be via the ACIEK website, virtual participants will also be eligible for the best paper awards at the Conference and will have restricted access only for those who have paid the fee. These individuals will be granted access with a unique password that will be sent to them before the Conference.

The Organizer is not responsible for any information or prices found  outside the Website, nor will it be held responsible for those found in the cache of online search engines.

In accordance with the current legislation, the provision of these services is subject to tax as stipulated in Article 20, One, Number 14 of the Spanish Value Added Tax Law (art.20 Uno nº14 de la LIVA).

7. Conference registration

To visit the Website and view its content, it is not necessary to be registered with the Website. To register for and attend the Conference, however, the User must register previously with the Website using the online form available on the Website. This process creates a username and password that grants the User access to specific Conference content, the paper submissions process, the status of the review process for the User’s submission, the status of the User’s registration, the Conference invoice, and information about the Conference, as well as other contents.

To complete the registration process using the online form, the User must follow the steps listed below:

  • The user must use the online registration form available on the Website.
  • The User must then complete the mandatory fields and accept the terms and conditions of registration.
  • The User will then receive a password, which the user must validate. This will give the User access to the registration platform, where the User must register and submit an extended abstract and full paper. At this point, a confirmation email will be sent confirming registration for the Conference.
  • The Organizer will inform the User whether the paper has been accepted for the Conference. If the paper is accepted, the User may then proceed with payment of the Conference registration fee.
  • Payment should be made using VISA or MasterCard. Once payment has been made, the User will be registered for the Conference.
  • Once the registration process has been finalized and payment has been made, the User will receive an email confirming that registration is complete.
  • After the Conference, the login data used to access the Conference platform will be saved to enable access to content related to the 2024 edition (future editions) of the Conference.


The data provided by the User must be accurate, up to date, and true at all times.

Conference participants do not have the right of withdrawal, in accordance with the applicable legislation. Not being able to attend the Conference is not a valid reason to waive the contract and receive a refund for the fees paid. Accordingly, once registration is complete, the Organizer will not refund the registration fees paid to attend the Conference.

Cancellation Policy – Registration

  • Cancellations received before or on April 1, 2024: eligible for a 50% refund of the Conference fees. Please note that registration refunds will be processed between 20 and 40 days after the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference. Bank charges will be deducted from the refund.
  • Cancellations received after April 1, 2024 will not be refunded.

Requests for cancellation of registration must be sent in writing to the Organizer at the following email address:

8. Data protection


As the Organizer, ORINDA MEDIA, SL. informs any User who visits the Website that the personal data that the User shares when visiting the Website may be collected. To correctly perform its duties, the Organizer keeps records and processes personal data in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation.

The data will be processed in a manner befitting the functions of the Organizer, in accordance with the pertinent legislation.

Data controller

The controller responsible for processing the User’s data is ORINDA MEDIA, SL. , the Organizer of the Conference. The contact details of the Organizer are as follows:

ORINDA MEDIA, SL.   (B98995327)

Calle Colon 42, piso 5 puerta 11, 46004, Valencia, Spain

Host of Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge 2024

University of Alcalá

The host will not process your data.

Purpose, legitimate basis for data processing, and period for which the data will be retained

Users who register for the Conference will have their personal information saved in a file belonging to ORINDA. This file will be used to manage electronic registration and attendance for the “Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge” Conference in 2024 and future editions. The specific use of these data will always correspond to the purpose for which the data have been expressly collected.

At Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge, we only process your data so that you can create an account, register for the Conference, and, if applicable, participate in the Conference.

If after reviewing the paper submitted via the online system, the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge committee decides to accept the paper for inclusion in the Conference, it must be duly registered. As part of the contractual relationship, we will process your data to ensure the smooth running of the event, contact you to provide information about the Conference that you will attend, handle payment of the Conference fees, announce the inclusion of your paper in the Conference (in bulletins, brochures, and other form of promotion for the Conference) and issue your certificate of attendance and participation. If your paper is selected for publication, your data will also be processed. If there are legal obligations to do so and no objection has been raised, we will continue to store your data.

We inform you that payment should be made electronically, so your personal information must be provided to the financial organization that will handle this payment.

If you are not invited to participate in the Conference, you will continue to be registered with the online system until an objection is made to the processing of your data.

Because of your legitimate interest in registering to attend the Conference held this year, we will also keep you informed of future Conferences. If the Conference is organized by another organizer, we will pass on your data so that you can be duly contacted by that organizer.

Source of the data

If you have not registered directly, you will have received a message asking you to accept this privacy policy. This occurs when your registration for the Conference is requested by a co-author of your paper. If you do not wish to participate, any other co-author’s registration for the Conference will be canceled.

Transfer of data to the committee: When you submit your request to register you and your paper by creating an account with the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge online system, your name, family name, university, and presentation title will be submitted to the expert committee for review before a decision is made as to whether you will be able to register for the Conference.

Review of submissions: The review process for Conference papers will be anonymous (double blind) for both reviewers and authors.

Transfer of data for handling of payment: To handle payment of the Conference fees, if applicable, your data will be submitted to the bank where our account is held.

Publication: Your name will be published in the Conference program, which will be sent by email to all Conference participants.

If you present a paper, you are reminded that your personal details (name and family name, university, and presentation title) will be published in the Conference program, which will be sent by email to all Conference participants.

Authors who have registered for the Conference and who present their papers at the Conference agree that their full Conference papers and personal details will be shared with other Conference participants via print or electronic copy (associated with an ISBN) without the need for further explicit consent. The intellectual property of the paper will always belong to the authors of the paper. ORINDA will not be held responsible for the misuse or fraudulent use by any person or persons of any of the papers published, presented, or shared during the Conference. Any such practices should be dealt with directly by the affected person or persons who should personally take responsibility for any actions deemed necessary or pertinent against the person or persons who made fraudulent use of the paper published, presented, or shared during the Conference.

Transfer of data for publication: If your paper is selected for publication by one of the Conference’s participating publishers, your contact details will be passed on, as will those relating to your paper.

Transfer of data for accommodation: Your data will be passed on to transport and accommodation firms if these services are used.

International data transfer: When we send you messages with information about future Conferences, we may use a mailing system such as MailChimp or other providers endorsed by the Spanish or European agency. MailChimp certifies to the Privacy Shield framework, which means that it can lawfully receive EU data.

For public health reasons, the Conference has been adapted from an in-person format to a virtual format. As the organizer of the Conference, ORINDA will use the data of those presenting their papers and attending the Conference to enable the Conference to be held on virtual platforms.
The presentation sessions will be recorded and made available to those attending the Conference for a limited time, after which they will be deleted. Any participants taking part through voice or image may also be recorded.
The image and voice, as well as the data used to run the virtual sessions, will be processed for the purposes of the organization and management of the event in the registration of participants. No data will be transferred to third parties.
The data processors will access the data they need to provide their services. They may communicate directly with the participants for this purpose.
You may exercise the rights indicated in this document at any time.

Exercising your rights

If the User does not agree with the processing of personal data, the User can request more information or exercise the following rights:

  • access personal data to find out what data are being processed and the processing activities that are being carried out using these data;
  • rectify any incorrect personal data;
  • erase or forget personal data, whenever possible;
  • request the restriction of the processing of personal data when the accuracy, legality, or necessity of the data processing activity is questionable. In this case, we may retain these data for the exercise or defense of legal claims;
  • request the portability of personal data when the legal basis that enables us to process these data consists of a contractual relationship or consent;
  • object to the processing of personal data when the legal basis that enables us to process these data consists of the existence of a legitimate interest. To this effect, we will stop processing these data unless we have an imperative legitimate interest to do so or these data may be necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; and
  • revoke consent at any moment to any data processing activities whose legal basis is rooted in that consent.

ORINDA will ensure that the use of personal data, which has been duly notified and/or registered, is made available to the competent supervisory authority. Estos usos pueden consultarse en el sitio web oficial del CNPD a través de registros públicos. As per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the User can at any time exercise the aforementioned rights. Exercising these rights is highly personal, and the User should do so by sending a written request with the following information enclosed: name and family name; a photocopy of a valid national identity document; identification, if necessary, of the User’s representative and the representative’s credentials; the specific request the User wishes to make; an address where notifications should be sent; the date and the User’s signature; and any documentation that certifies the request, if necessary.

This request should be sent to

Name: ORINDA MEDIA, SL.. (B98995327)

Calle Colon 42, piso 5 puerta 11, 46004, Valencia, Spain

(The User is advised to submit any request writing “Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge conference” in the subject line.)

In any case, the User is entitled to submit a claim to the competent supervisory authority.

Cookie policy

Visiting the Website implies that the User has been clearly and completely informed of the use of files employed to store and recover data (cookies) and that the Organizer has the User’s consent to use these cookies under the terms of the applicable legislation. The Website uses the following cookies:

The website uses the following cookies:

Provider Duration UV/Third party cookies Type Cookie Goal
Google Analytics Persistent Third party cookies Analytical  utma This cookie generates a unique user ID and registers the date and the first and last times the user visited the website. It is used to count how many times the same user visits the site. The cookie expires two years after its last update.
Google Analytics Persistent Third party cookies Analytical  utmz This cookie stores the user’s origin (i.e., the route via which the user visits the website). This may be via direct access, from a link on another website, from an email link, using certain key words in a search engine, through a display campaign, or through an AdWords advertisement. This cookie is used to calculate the traffic coming from search engines (organic and PPC), display advertising campaigns, and navigation within the website (internal links). The cookie is updated after every visit to the site. It expires after six months.
Google Analytics Session Third party cookies  Analytical  utmb

This cookie registers the time of arrival to the site and expires 30 minutes after the last registry of the site viewed. It is automatically eliminated after navigating to another website or closing the browser. If the user is inactive on the website for more than 30 minutes (e.g., he/she is on a lunch break) and then loads a website, this will be considered a new user session (i.e., one user who makes two visits).

To calculate the time the user remains on the website, the value of the current site is subtracted from the value of the former site. Modifying the Google Analytics code to register events (i.e., clicks or scrolls) determines the time the user spends on the last website that the user has visited. The session duration can also be modified using _setSessionCookieTimeout(). This cookie expires 30 minutes after the last refresh.


Google Analytics Session Third party cookies  Analytical  utmc

No longer used.

The current Google Analytics JavaScript code does not require this cookie. Previously, this cookie was used along with the _utmb cookie to determine whether, after 30 minutes on the site, it was necessary to establish a new session for the user. This cookie is still written to ensure compatibility with websites where the former tracking code urchin.js is still installed.

Google Analytics Persistent Third party cookies  Analytical  utmv This is an optional cookie used only when the data obtained in the registry are subsequently segmented into demographic data such as sex or age of users. The information is obtained through the _setVar () Google Analytics code. It expires two years after the last update.

9. Severability of clauses

If any point or clause in these terms and conditions is considered fully or partially invalid or inapplicable by any court, tribunal, or competent administrative authority, this will not affect any other point or clause in these terms and conditions.

10. Laws and jurisdiction

Registration for the Conference is governed by Spanish law, except in certain cases where other legislation applies. Any conflict or discrepancy that arises in the interpretation or application of these terms and conditions will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals that operate in Valencia.


11. Changes to these terms and conditions

These terms and conditions will apply from the date of their publication. The Organizer reserves the right to modify or update in any way the content available on the Website, the present terms and conditions, and, in general, the design and layout of the Website, providing users with prior notice of these changes. Changes will not affect the terms and conditions of any previously purchased products, which will continue to be governed by the terms and conditions that applied at the time the purchase was made.


12. Ownership and intellectual property of the Website

  1. The domain name, web design, and content of the Website belong to ORINDA MEDIA, SL., a private institution, with its own legal personality and assets and with rights provided for by the Spanish Constitution and all other applicable laws. The legal information of ORINDA MEDIA, SL. are as follows:
  2. Name: ORINDA MEDIA, SL.
  3. Tax ID:  B98995327
  4. Address: Calle Colon 42, piso 5 puerta 11, 46004, Valencia, Spain
  5. All contents on the website, including but not limited to text, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links, other audiovisual or sound content, graphic design, and source code, are the intellectual property of ORINDA MEDIA, SL. In relation to this content, the user is not granted any of the exploitation rights established by the applicable regulations governing intellectual property.
  6. The brands, trademarks, and logos published on the Website belong to ORINDA MEDIA, SL. (the Organizer) or third parties, with no right of use granted to the user.
  7. ORINDA MEDIA, SL. will not use your personal data for its own interests.Laws and jurisdictionChanges to these terms and conditionsOwnership and intellectual property of the Website